Source code for datacite.rest_client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of DataCite.
# Copyright (C) 2015 CERN.
# Copyright (C) 2020 Caltech.
# Copyright (C) 2021 Graz University of Technology.
# DataCite is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the Revised BSD License; see LICENSE file for
# more details.

"""Python API client wrapper for the DataCite Rest API.

API documentation is available at

import json
import requests
import warnings
from idutils import normalize_doi

from .errors import DataCiteError
from .request import DataCiteRequest

HTTP_OK =['ok']
HTTP_CREATED =['created']

[docs]class DataCiteRESTClient(object): """DataCite REST API client wrapper.""" def __init__(self, username, password, prefix, test_mode=False, url=None, timeout=None): """Initialize the REST client wrapper. :param username: DataCite username. :param password: DataCite password. :param prefix: DOI prefix (or CFG_DATACITE_DOI_PREFIX). :param test_mode: use test URL when True :param url: DataCite API base URL. :param timeout: Connect and read timeout in seconds. Specify a tuple (connect, read) to specify each timeout individually. """ self.username = str(username) self.password = str(password) self.prefix = str(prefix) if test_mode: self.api_url = "" else: self.api_url = url or "" if not self.api_url.endswith('/'): self.api_url += '/' self.timeout = timeout def __repr__(self): """Create string representation of object.""" return '<DataCiteRESTClient: {0}>'.format(self.username) def _create_request(self): """Create a new Request object.""" return DataCiteRequest( base_url=self.api_url, username=self.username, password=self.password, timeout=self.timeout, )
[docs] def doi_get(self, doi): """Get the URL where the resource pointed by the DOI is located. :param doi: DOI name of the resource. """ warn_msg = "The method is deprecated in favour of get_doi" warnings.warn(warn_msg, DeprecationWarning) return self.get_doi(doi)
[docs] def get_doi(self, doi): """Get the URL where the resource pointed by the DOI is located. :param doi: DOI name of the resource. """ request = self._create_request() resp = request.get("dois/" + doi) if resp.status_code == HTTP_OK: return resp.json()['data']['attributes']['url'] else: raise DataCiteError.factory(resp.status_code, resp.text)
[docs] def check_doi(self, doi): """Check doi structure. Check that the doi has a form 12.12345/123 with the prefix defined """ # If prefix is in doi if '/' in doi: split = doi.split('/') prefix = split[0] if prefix != self.prefix: # Provided a DOI with the wrong prefix raise ValueError('Wrong DOI {0} prefix provided, it should be ' '{1} as defined in the rest client' .format(prefix, self.prefix)) else: doi = '{prefix}/{doi}'.format(prefix=self.prefix, doi=doi) return normalize_doi(doi)
[docs] def post_doi(self, data): """Post a new JSON payload to DataCite.""" headers = {'content-type': 'application/vnd.api+json'} body = {"data": data} request = self._create_request() resp ="dois", body=json.dumps(body), headers=headers) if resp.status_code == HTTP_CREATED: return resp.json()['data']['id'] else: raise DataCiteError.factory(resp.status_code, resp.text)
[docs] def put_doi(self, doi, data): """Put a JSON payload to DataCite for an existing DOI.""" headers = {'content-type': 'application/vnd.api+json'} body = {"data": data} request = self._create_request() url = "dois/" + doi resp = request.put(url, body=json.dumps(body), headers=headers) if resp.status_code == HTTP_OK: return resp.json()['data']['attributes'] else: raise DataCiteError.factory(resp.status_code, resp.text)
[docs] def draft_doi(self, metadata=None, doi=None): """Create a draft doi. A draft DOI can be deleted If doi is not provided, DataCite will automatically create a DOI with a random, recommended DOI suffix :param metadata: metadata for the DOI :param doi: DOI (e.g. 10.123/456) :return: """ data = {"attributes": {}} if metadata: data['attributes'] = metadata data["attributes"]["prefix"] = self.prefix if doi: doi = self.check_doi(doi) data["attributes"]["doi"] = doi return self.post_doi(data)
[docs] def update_url(self, doi, url): """Update the url of a doi. :param url: URL where the doi will resolve. :param doi: DOI (e.g. 10.123/456) :return: """ doi = self.check_doi(doi) data = {"attributes": {"url": url}} result = self.put_doi(doi, data) return result['url']
[docs] def delete_doi(self, doi): """Delete a doi. This will only work for draft dois :param doi: DOI (e.g. 10.123/456) :return: """ request = self._create_request() resp = request.delete("dois/" + doi) if resp.status_code != 204: raise DataCiteError.factory(resp.status_code, resp.text)
[docs] def public_doi(self, metadata, url, doi=None): """Create a public doi. This DOI will be public and cannot be deleted If doi is not provided, DataCite will automatically create a DOI with a random, recommended DOI suffix Metadata should follow the DataCite Metadata Schema: :param metadata: JSON format of the metadata. :param doi: DOI (e.g. 10.123/456) :param url: URL where the doi will resolve. :return: """ data = {"attributes": metadata} data["attributes"]["prefix"] = self.prefix data["attributes"]["event"] = "publish" data["attributes"]["url"] = url if doi: doi = self.check_doi(doi) data["attributes"]["doi"] = doi return self.post_doi(data)
[docs] def update_doi(self, doi, metadata=None, url=None): """Update the metadata or url for a DOI. :param url: URL where the doi will resolve. :param metadata: JSON format of the metadata. :return: """ data = {"attributes": {}} doi = self.check_doi(doi) data["attributes"]["doi"] = doi if metadata: data['attributes'] = metadata if url: data["attributes"]["url"] = url return self.put_doi(doi, data)
[docs] def private_doi(self, metadata, url, doi=None): """Publish a doi in a registered state. A DOI generated by this method will not be found in DataCite Search This DOI cannot be deleted If doi is not provided, DataCite will automatically create a DOI with a random, recommended DOI suffix Metadata should follow the DataCite Metadata Schema: :param metadata: JSON format of the metadata. :return: """ data = {"attributes": metadata} data["attributes"]["prefix"] = self.prefix data["attributes"]["event"] = "register" data["attributes"]["url"] = url if doi: doi = self.check_doi(doi) data["attributes"]["doi"] = doi return self.post_doi(data)
[docs] def hide_doi(self, doi): """Hide a previously registered DOI. This DOI will no longer be found in DataCite Search :param doi: DOI to hide e.g. 10.12345/1. :return: """ data = {"attributes": {"event": "hide"}} if doi: doi = self.check_doi(doi) data["attributes"]["doi"] = doi return self.put_doi(doi, data)
[docs] def show_doi(self, doi): """Show a previously registered DOI. This DOI will be found in DataCite Search :param doi: DOI to hide e.g. 10.12345/1. :return: """ data = {"attributes": {"event": "publish"}} if doi: doi = self.check_doi(doi) data["attributes"]["doi"] = doi return self.put_doi(doi, data)
[docs] def metadata_get(self, doi): """Get the JSON metadata associated to a DOI name. :param doi: DOI name of the resource. """ warn_msg = "The method is deprecated in favour of get_metadata" warnings.warn(warn_msg, DeprecationWarning) return self.get_metadata(doi)
[docs] def get_metadata(self, doi): """Get the JSON metadata associated to a DOI name. :param doi: DOI name of the resource. """ """Put a JSON payload to DataCite for an existing DOI.""" headers = {'content-type': 'application/vnd.api+json'} request = self._create_request() resp = request.get("dois/" + doi, headers=headers) if resp.status_code == HTTP_OK: return resp.json()['data']['attributes'] else: raise DataCiteError.factory(resp.status_code, resp.text)
[docs] def media_get(self, doi): """Get list of pairs of media type and URLs associated with a DOI. :param doi: DOI name of the resource. """ warn_msg = "The method is deprecated in favour of get_media" warnings.warn(warn_msg, DeprecationWarning) return self.get_media(doi)
[docs] def get_media(self, doi): """Get list of pairs of media type and URLs associated with a DOI. :param doi: DOI name of the resource. """ headers = {'content-type': 'application/vnd.api+json'} request = self._create_request() resp = request.get("dois/" + doi, headers=headers) if resp.status_code == HTTP_OK: return resp.json()['relationships']['media'] else: raise DataCiteError.factory(resp.status_code, resp.text)